Web Application Penetration Testing

It’s our mission to find the vulnerabilities in your web app before someone else does.

Don’t let the attackers find it first

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Our Penetration Test

Penetration tests may sound daunting, but they really shouldn’t be.


The first stage of our penetration test is to explore and understand the target. Our team will take deep dives into areas of your web app to see how things work and where weaknesses could be. We’ll discuss with you what you want to be tested and what rules you want us to follow.


Our team will begin the assessment of your web application. Following the agreed scope and rules, we’ll carry out an extremely thorough and rigorous examination of your web application. We’ll behave and act like a hacker, trying to find weaknesses and vulnerabilities that can be exploited.

Evidence & Documentation

Whatever we find, major or minor, we’ll document everything in super clear formats. Everything we identify as a vulnerability will be accompanied by evidence, our explaination of its risk/impact and mitigation steps. All of this will be packaged into an easy to follow report.

Review & Feedback

When the report is ready, we’ll securely share it with you. We will organise a follow up meeting to go over the results, answer any questions and discuss the next steps. We will even showcase or provide additional evidence for any of our findings and work with your providers to share insights.

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